Monday, August 31, 2015

A 40 day fast

We had a pretty eventful week.  We had the opportunity to help a couple here get started on the process of getting married.  We walked in the rain for a good hour early one morning this week to get all the information needed.  On Saturday they went and now we just have to wait until the 24th of October.  It will take a while but in the end it will totally be worth it.  I know that they will one day go to the Temple and be sealed.  We have been working a ton this last week to find new people to teach and we have been seeing a lot of results.  We are also are doing something here called 40 day fast.  40 different families signed up to do a fast for one day so our ward will be in a fast for 40 straight days.  The purpose is about missionary work, I am super excited to see the fruits that come from this.  Sorry my email is short but thanks for all the love and support.
Love Elder Visser

Monday, August 24, 2015

I've got nothing to complain about

This week was a pretty good one.  I had to have that one week of getting to know your companion all over again but he is really cool so I have nothing to complain about.  I will miss my other companion for sure but he is already home and probably already forgot about me.  So about a month ago we recieved a referal from a member for her cousin but the thing is they live in a different area.  They ended up getting a ride and coming to church with us in our ward a few times but the whole time we were thinking that sooner or later they will have to go to the ward where they live.  Turns out on Saturday we helped them move into our area and they are living in the house below their family who are members.  In the end everything turned out perfect and they are loving the church and are super excited.  We just have to help marry them and then they will be ready for baptism.  I know that the Sister who gave us the referral was praying a lot for them and I know the Lord answered her prayers.  I am super excited for this transfer and I know we will do a lot of great things.  

Love Elder Visser

Monday, August 17, 2015

I am still a zone leader

I am still a Zone Leader which means I helped out 6 other companionships, I don’t know who my companion is yet but I will figure it out tomorrow.  I am excited for a new transfer and I am ready to work hard.
This week was really cool.  We had both zone meeting and zone conference.  Zone conference our President was there and the spirit was really strong.  We gave a training and talked a lot about how we can do so much better because the Lord is helping us.  Lots of times we put a barrier up and think what were doing is enough but in reality we can do a ton better.  I also did an exchange with Elder Lamb who was my companion about 10 months ago.  That was really cool.  Our week and my companions mission ended with a baptism.  It was different because she already has 2 years in the church.  Her husband’s other marriage had problems and the divorce was not going through which means she could not get baptized until the divorce went through and got legally married to him.  They got married on Saturday and Sunday night she was baptized and it was really special with a lot of non member family.  She even shared her testimony at the end and it was and experience I will not forget.
Love Elder Visser

Monday, August 10, 2015

The more your work the happier you are

This week was pretty interesting since my companion will be going home next week.  He had a couple meetings to go to and he got to go to the temple but the companions of the Elders who are going home were not allowed to attend.  I got to go on a division with two other missionaries which was a neat experience.  One is brand new in the mission and I really enjoyed how happy and excited he was to work and get things done.  I spent a lot of time catching buses this week but I really enjoyed this week.  I’ve gotten close with my companion and it feels like were bestfriends.  We have one more week left together and I am excited to work hard and help others out.  We also have a zone conference with our President which I am excited about as well.  This transfer has definatley gone by way too fast but I have come to learn the more you work the happier you are and the faster the time goes.
Love Elder Visser

Monday, August 3, 2015

Open your mouth and share the gospel

We had a good week here.  We have been working just as hard but it feels like less people are wanting to talk to us.  It seems like no one has time to talk with us in the street.  Heavenly Father is always aware of our hard work though and this week we got a referal where someone wanted a copy of the Book of Mormon.  We ended up going to visit him and he lives in an apartment which is a lot nicer than other parts of the city.  When we got there we ended up talking to him on the bench because he had family over.  Turns out his friend at work already talked a lot about the church and loaned him a Book of Mormon to read.  When we talked to him he told us that he already plans on going to church every Sunday and that he wants to have a church for when he has kids.  This is what we call an elect.  It was a great experience and I know it was because of our effort and hard work that the Lord blessed us.  I know that no effort is wasted.  Even when people dont accecpt we never know what will happen just because we opened our mouth and shared the gospel.
Love Elder Visser