Monday, March 17, 2014

It's a triple birthday type of day!

Happy Birthday! Hope you have an awesome day and that you enjoyed going to St. George.  Im excited to hear all about it.  It's also my mission presidents birthday today too believe it or not.
We have had an amazing week and have had the most successful one since I have been here in Texas.  We were able to teach a lot of less active and part member families which are always the best.  There are two experiences that stick out that have happened this week.  First is the we are teaching someone who has a date for the 22nd which will be moved to the 29th.  Anyways we taught him the word of wisdom a few weeks back and he had absolutely no  desire to quite.  He said he likes the nicotine and he does not mind the money and basically had no reason to live the word of wisdom.  We went back to teach him this last Tuesday and he brought up on his own how he really wants to quite smoking and knows he will be able to by his baptism date.  I tell that story because to me it was a miracle and also an answer to our prayers.  It was amazing to see how the holy ghost changed his heart and how he was willing to keep the commandment so he can get baptized.  We also went by Pat's wife last night to see how she was doing and we learned that Pat had to have another surgery and was taken from rehab back to the hospital.  She was so exhausted and tired and worn out.  We simply asked if we could do anything for her and offered meals and service and we told her that we love her and care about her and Pat and that we have been praying for them.  She started to cry and thanked us for everything we have done.  Even though we did not teach a lesson it was still a very spiritual experience and we did what the savior would do.  We helped comfort her and gave her some peace and hope.  I love being a missionary and even though there are tough times the good times will always outweigh the bad.  I know this church is the one that was on the earth when Jesus lived and that the Book of Mormon is the word of god.  Thanks for everyone's letters and emails and support I really appreciate it!
Love Elder Visser

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