was really good to talk to my family on Christmas and the 45 minutes
went by way too fast. Looks like everyone
is happy and doing well. I will get to talk
with them again on mother
day then the next time will be in person. I still have a long time to
go and a lot to learn. We are still working hard here and had a good
Sunday. I also recieved an email from one of my baptism is Texas and
they are doing awesome. It was cool to hear
from them almost 6 months after that all is well and that they are
still strong in the church. Thanks for singing happy birthday to me as
well. I’ll be on an exchange with our district leader tomorrow so it will probably
be a normal day without singing or cake. I’m grateful for this chance I have to serve a mission and all the things that I’ve learned. Sorry I don’t have
much to say this week but I hope you have a good new year!
Monday, December 29, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
New Area, New Companion
week has been great. I’m in a new area and am currently serving in a
branch. We meet in a house that has been turned into a chapel and there
was only about 25 people there for sacrament meeting. I got asked to
give a short little
talk about ten minutes before the meeting but it was easy for the most
part. I shared a scripture and my testimony and was good to go. This
area is a ton different from my last and will take some getting used
to. I have a brazillian companion, Elder Lopes
Da Silva, and I’m really excited and know my portuguese will get a lot
better. I feel different here. I’m really excited and ready to make a
difference. The work here has been known to be hard but thats somthing
that were going to change. I have fire in
my bones and I’m ready to go. The reason I’m emailing today is because
we had a Christmas conference yesterday. We have been sharing small
cards that says ele e o presente (he is the present). This is something
we need to remember during christmas. Its
about our Savior. Without him we don’t have a purpose in this life.
My testimony has grown so much on my mission and I have a true love for
Jesus Christ. I’m excited to talk with you all on Christmas and I hope
you all enjoy it together.
Love Elder Visser
Monday, December 15, 2014
BBQ's and Baptisms
had a really good week. We got invited to a dinner one night and a bbq
the next and on Sunday we had a baptism. It was an amazing week but it
ended a little sad. We got transfer calls and I’ll be leaving the
area. It will be hard
becuase I really love all the people here and have gotten close to
them. I’m nervous about the transfer but in the end it will be good for
me. Its another chance for me to learn more and to grow. We had a
bbq on Saturday with a family that is really interested
in the church. They are a super cool family that we have been teaching
for about a month now. They made us a ton of food with 3 courses of
deserts it was crazy good. We also had a baptism sunday and he has been
taught for a really long time. His wife is
a member and he has come to church a bunch of times. He is super smart
and it was really awesome to be a part of his baptism. I’ve been super
blessed to serve in this ward and have made a ton of memories and
friends that I’ll never forget.
is only 10 days away and I’m excited to talk with you all. Make sure
to be thinking about questions you can ask. Hopefully I’ll have details
about the time and everything next pday.
Monday, December 8, 2014
Hitting the Year Mark!!!
next week I’ll hit the year mark. Its a pretty strange feeling because
its already been a year but at the same time I still have a year. I’m
excited that I have one more year to better my Portuguese and to help
other people. Two
years really isn’t a long time and its a time when you serve other
people 100% and thats why missionaries are so happy. Two years that
you get to serve others and the Lord thats why its called the best two
years. We had an awesome week. On Thursday we
had a baptism. We have been teaching him for a good amount of time but
he is not 18 and his dads in prison so it was hard for him to get his
dads authorization. Out of no where he got it so the next day we had a
baptismal service and it was great. His cousin
who is a recent convert baptized him too which is even cooler. Then on
Sunday we had stake conference and we brought 18 investigators to
attend. We were running around all morning finding rides and waking
people up but it all turned out great. Then after
stake conference we had another baptism of a mom and her two children.
We helped them get married and finally baptized. I’m so blessed to be
in the area where I’m serving. We have been able to help so many people
and it has really been amazing. Being on
a mission I’ve felt true happiness and its the best. Thanks for all
the support and love.
Monday, December 1, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving
We had a pretty awesome thanksgiving as well. A member from a different Ward invited us over to his house to celebrate Thanksgiving with him and his family. He taught English at BYU for 3 years so he knows all about the holidays and his English is perfect. He had a super nice house and fixed us a Turkey with a bunch of other food. That was a really nice treat for us. We also had a Zone Conference and got to hear our President speak. He is really pushing for obidience here in this mission and its great. We spent a good chunck of the day there but its always worth it to hear the revelation that the President recieves. He also told us that we will be able to skype for 40 minutes on Christmas. Its still a couple weeks away so I dont have all the details. Also transfers are on the 16th so there might be a chance that I’m in a new area for Christmas but who knows. There are only two more weeks of the transfer left and there are really great things happening. We are working with a lot of families and helping a lot of people.
Monday, November 24, 2014
I got to eat chicken hearts
Good to hear about Zach. Tell him to send me an email when he gets the chance.
We had another good week here. On Saturday we had a birthday party for one of our recent converts. We all went on the roof and grilled bbq. I also got to eat chicken hearts which were pretty good. The highlight was on Sunday. We had two more baptisms. One was the daughter of the lady we baptized last sunday and the other is her brother. Something I think is really cool is that he is special. Technically he doesnt need to be baptized because he is already perfect but he told us that he won’t come back to church until we baptize him. He has a real desire and he is really awesome. Personally I think thats a really cool story. He could never live on his own but he has a desire to keep the commandments. It was a really great week with more to come.
Love Elder Visser
We had another good week here. On Saturday we had a birthday party for one of our recent converts. We all went on the roof and grilled bbq. I also got to eat chicken hearts which were pretty good. The highlight was on Sunday. We had two more baptisms. One was the daughter of the lady we baptized last sunday and the other is her brother. Something I think is really cool is that he is special. Technically he doesnt need to be baptized because he is already perfect but he told us that he won’t come back to church until we baptize him. He has a real desire and he is really awesome. Personally I think thats a really cool story. He could never live on his own but he has a desire to keep the commandments. It was a really great week with more to come.
Love Elder Visser
Monday, November 17, 2014
Solomon's Temple her in Brasil? That's Crazy!
We went to 25 of march again today (the place with a bunch of shops) We also visited Solomon’s Temple. They have an exact replica of Solomon’s Temple here in Sao Paulo and it was crazy big.
We had another good week here in Jardim Odete. The first week of the transfer is always a little bit slow which is normal. We had another baptism on Sunday and this one was really cool. Nintey percent of the baptism we have are member referals but this one was a street conctact that was made about 8 weeks ago. We kept with it and this past Sunday she was baptized it was really awesome. Next week we will baptize her daughter and hopefully her mom. Her mom isn’t married but is moving out of the house so we will see where things go with that. My Portuguese is getting better slowly but surley. I love the area and my companion. Thanks for the love and support!
Monday, November 10, 2014
It's transfer time and I am staying!
I want to thank Grandma and Grandpa for the letter as well as the Hauwillers for the letter. I really appreciated reading them. I dont have any stamps though and if I could get there emails I will be able to respond to all the questions.
This week went by really fast and was honestly one of the best I’ve had here in Brasil. It was the last week of the transfers and the last week is always a good one. Sunday we had a baptism for Camila. We have been teaching her for about 7 weeks now. The reason she wasnt baptized sooner is because she wasnt married to her less active boyfriend. We helped out with that and got them married and then she was able to be baptized. I had the privlige to baptize her and it was awesome. This was the first time I physically baptized someone in my life. It was a great experience and one I’ll never forget. After the baptism we went to a marriage party because we helped 3 less active part member couples get married. It was so cool becuase they were so grateful for our help and it was a really good time. Then after the party we went back to the church for two more baptism. It was a super good day and I also found out I’ll be staying in the area with my companion for another 5 weeks.
Thanks for all the support and love.
Monday, November 3, 2014
Strange weather we are having
is starting to get really hot here but the weather is very strange.
One minute is will be crazy hot and the next raining and freezing cold.
We got a lot of rain the past two days which is a great thing. We used
those family mission
game plans in Texas all the time, you better not be one of those
families that always puts it off haha. I hope your surgery goes well
and everything is good.
past week was really good. We had the chance to go to the Campinas
Temple. It was a nice relaxed day and much needed. We took a bus and
it took about two hours to get there. We were able to do one session
and I did it in Portuguese
which was interesting but went smoothly. I loved sitting in the
Celestial room and just the peacefulness was great. I was thinking how I
can’t wait until I have the chance to be able to go to the Temple
whenever I would like. They seriously are the most
peacful places on earth. We only have one more week of the transfer
left and the last week is always a good one. I’m grateful for all of
your support and love. I’m also grateful for this church in my life and
all the blessings I’ve received because of it.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Our attitudes make us who we are and how we act
week we only had 4 investigators at church but this week was elections
so there was not much we could do about it. Every Sunday we search for
people, at least that’s what you say
in Portuguese which
simply just mean you meet up with people and walk with them or give
them rides. This Sunday was a little slow but next Sunday will be a lot
better. The language is coming slowly but surely,
I’ve definitely seen improvements but still struggle
every now and then but that's normal. On Wednesday we have the chance to go to the Capinas Temple and
I’m really looking forward to that. We only have two weeks left in the transfer but I don’t
think there should be many changes that happen. I gave a short little
training on attitudes
this week and even though it was directed at other missionaries I
learned a ton. Our attitudes make us who we are and how we act. As
missionaries if we have an attitude that we will baptize then it will
happen. If we have the attitude our area is difficult
and thats just the way it is then more likley than not thats what will
happen. I always relate to playing baseball, if I had a bad attitude
and didn’t want to be there I never played well. I feel like we can relate this
to our lives, we need to have good attitudes about our lives and be happy and greatful for the things we do have.
I was super excited to hear about Ryan and everything that has been going on there. I’m a little sad I won’t be there but
I’m happy for him and Maryjane.
first is a members kitten that was only 15 days old and the other my
companion and I helped a less active add on to his house.
Monday, October 20, 2014
We need rain
had a good week here. It has been very hot but people are nice and
will give you water if you ask for it. Were also in a drought here and
need rain really bad. We had the chance to go on a division and help
out a set of missionaries that had too many appointment. We went there
then split up and things went really well. This week we also got to
have interviews with the mission president. This was great because he
came in just a few days after me so no one really
knows too much about him. He is also tough and has a really great
vision for this mission and I’m really excited to see all the great
things that are going to happen. We also had 12 investigators at church
yesterday and that was really cool to see. Good
things are going to happen in the next couple weeks.
Love Elder Visser
Monday, October 13, 2014
Pause, Rewind, Play
on the wedding anniversary! (Mom & Dad) 33 years is a long time but compared to
eternity I guess its not very long at all.
This week was a pretty normal week. We had 4 confirmations in church yesterday which was really awesome. One thing I love about being here is how strong new converts are. We had lunch the other day with a family that got baptized my first week here and it was really cool. They also treat missionaries really well and every almoço (direct translation for Google is Restaurant) we have is basically a feast.
This week was a pretty normal week. We had 4 confirmations in church yesterday which was really awesome. One thing I love about being here is how strong new converts are. We had lunch the other day with a family that got baptized my first week here and it was really cool. They also treat missionaries really well and every almoço (direct translation for Google is Restaurant) we have is basically a feast.
quick I want to talk about an investigator I had in Texas. I think I
might have talked about her months ago but anyways her husband passed
away and she was going through a really rough time. Every good person
she knew in her life was a Mormon and a former Bishop conducted her
husband’s funeral. Anyways we taught her for a couple months and she
would go through ups and downs. Our lessons consisted of her crying the
whole time usually and I spent a lot of hours
doing lessons over the phone. It was amazing to hear that she was
baptized a couple weeks ago. I know that my companion and his new
companion did a lot but it was cool to see how much this gospel changed
her life from being depressed as you can be to being
happy and having hope again. Sadly I dont have pictures but I hope
that story made sense.
We went bowling last p-day which was awesome and the other is just a cool view.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
Meet the Mormons
This is a
feature length documentary film tells the stories of 6 members of the
church from around the world. this film was originally intended for the
Legacy Theater at temple square. Viewers will have an opportunity to
witness people striving to follow the Savior.Opening weekend is October 10
go to to locate a city near you!
Monday, October 6, 2014
Conference Weekend
weekend is always one to look forward to. We had the chance to watch
all the sessions. The first two sessions were very hard to understand
as we watched them in portuguese. As we went to bed that
night my companion told me I will be able to uderstand better tomorrow
because he prayed for it. The thing is I understood perfectly becuase
they had a room that had it in english, his prayer was answered. We
also had another bapstism on Sunday! The whole
week we were not expecting one and then Elder Lamb and I fasted two
days before he couldve been baptized. The day before we got news that
he received his answers and wanted to be baptized that Sunday. If we
want to recieve an answer or help others I know
that fasting and praying really does work. In the scriptures every
time prayers are answered or miracles happen its always after much
prayer and fasting. I really liked the talk about prayer and how we
need to communicate everything that were feeling with
Heavenly Father because he cares about us from the big challenges to
the little things in our lives. Thanks for all of your prayers and I
never forget to pray for my friends and family.
Love Elder Visser
Monday, September 29, 2014
In a new area
I want to start off with a Happy Birthday to you mom and I hope the day goes really well for you! If there's anything you want from Brasil let me know and I’ll get it to you in a little more than a year. My new companion Elder Lamb is from Independence Missouri and is a huge baseball fan. We had the chance to play catch today and that was very fun.
As for my new area I really love it. I live in a house with another set of missionaries. I’m in a ward that is actually really big and the chapel here is really nice. I’m more in the interior of the country but there is still a lot of people. I also was asked to bare my testimony on Sunday but it went smoothly and wasn't very hard. Conference next Sunday will be in Portuguese so I have one week to receive the gift of interpretations. Honestly though I feel like I’m learning a lot faster and understanding a lot more. I’m still very far from fluent but I’m happy here and really like my companion. We share the ward with two other sets of missionaries; the zone leaders and a set of sisters and we do things a little different. Everyday we trade areas so we all share investigators and baptism. At first it was strange but I really like it and it works. We also had a baptism Sunday which was awesome! Originally just the mom was going to be baptized then we had a lesson and got their 8 year old son to commit and then the Sisters got the husband to commit a day before so it was really awesome to see the whole family get baptized. Things are going really well here. Thanks for all the love and support!
Love Elder Visser
Monday, September 22, 2014
Rain, rain, and more rain
My talk went well, I dont know how much sense it made but I shared my messege and bore my testimony. The week went well and we had a lot of rain, it rained just about every day. We also had a recent convert come out and teach with us and that was really fun. We got transfer calls last night and with the new President there were a lot of changes. I’ll be going to a new area with a new companion Elder Lamb who’s an American. I’m excited and looking forward to this experience. Elder Calixto was a great companion but I’m excited to have a new companion who is American. I think I’ll be living with another set of missionaries which will be good and I’ll be able to practice my portuguese. I’ll continue to work hard to do whatever the Lord asks of me.
Monday, September 15, 2014
Patience and Fatih
My companion is the only member in his family and has been a member for about 6 years. You find that a lot here in Brasil there are a lot of recent converts of not too long and a lot of people are the only members in there family but I have a lot of respect for those people. I think he lives about 10 hours away from here if you take a bus but only a couple hours by plane. The language is not coming as quick as I would like but it is improving non the less. I get to give a talk next Sunday in sacrament so that should be really interesting. We had stake conference this last Sunday and it was really cool. I may not have understood everything but I felt the spirit and thats whats important. I won’t lie some days are better than others here and Seth Malley would always say you experience your highest highs and your lowest lows on your mission. Its just a matter of time and practice though and I’m looking forward to the day when I’m fluent and able to speak my mind. I got an email from my last companion saying that one of our investigators that I had the chance to teach will be getting baptized this Saturday. I know the Lord is aware of us and Loves us. Thanks for the support and love
Love Elder Visser
Monday, September 8, 2014
The weeks pass quickly in the Mission Field
Another week has come and gone and it went by pretty quick. We have been staying really busy and have the chance to contact and teach a lot of new people here. The culture here is really different but its something I will have to get used to. We had the chance to have a lesson with one of our investigators in a members home and we watched a couple church clips. One was where Elder Holland talked about difficulties in our life and in missionary work. It was really interesting and true. He talked about how the reason we have struggles and hard days is because salvation was not easy for the Savior, there were times when he did not want to continue on but he had to. I’ve learned a ton in just the two weeks I’ve been here. I really appreciate you fasting for me and I know it will help. The Lord is aware of us and our situations. I got the letter from the haulwillers by the way, please tell them I said thank you!
Love Elder Visser
My mission office address, please send things here
Rua caa-açu,229 belenzinho
Monday, September 1, 2014
Patience is a virture
it has not been quite yet a week here but it has been pretty awesome.
We walk everywhere we go so I’m always dead tired by the end of the
day. Things are definitley a whole lot different from my mission in
Texas. My companion is Elder
Calixto and he is really cool. He is very patient and knows english
pretty well so when I don’t understand something he helps me out with
it. What I’ve been doing is usually say the prayer and give the
spiritual thought then Elder Calixto explains what I
was trying to say. We are in a pretty ghetto area but I think its
really cool and the people here are really nice and willing to help.
The church is really close to us and is pretty nice. I did my best to
talk to the people but I’m still having trouble
understanding. It will come with time though. The apartment is a lot
different and not what I’m used to back in the states but it works and
gets the job done. I love being here in Brazil and am so happy to be
here. The big meal here lunch and the members
feed us very well. If you have any questions please ask.
I’m not sure what my address is so if you have the mission offices
address I would send stuff there just to be safe. Thanks for all the
support and love
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Things are very different here
So I have about an hour to email right now to let you know I made it safe and sounds to
Sao Paulo
Leste. I had my first lunch here already which is their dinner type meal. It went well,
I really don’t understand to much but
I have a really good companion
who is very patient. Last Wednesday we also got to hear from
Elder Holland, which
was a really cool experience and everyone got the chance to shake his
hand. He told a couple jokes and danced a little and raised
his voice a lot. He was the very stern Elder
Holland that everyone is used to. I’ve been able to meet two
Apostles now and both experiences have been amazing. Things are very different here but
I’m so excited, I’m ready to understand people and help them out in any way possible. My mission
President is having visa problems and has to leave by
Friday so I’ll be getting another mission
President that will be here until
July. I love being here in Brasil and will make my time worth
it. I made it safley and am in good hands. If you have any questions
let me know.
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
MTC update
The first week has been pretty awesome! We are cramming in 6 weeks of language training into 2 so we have been teaching a ton but its good. I like this MTC a lot better its smaller and the food is better and were forced to speak the language and I’ve seen a big improvement. The language is still super hard but I understand it’s just going to take time. If I put in the work and do my best then it will come. The food is actually pretty good, they always have the main dish then, rice and beans at every meal. Today is our p-day so we get to go walk around the city and shop which I’m really excited for. The hardest day was when our teacher took us on a bus to down town and we each had a couple copies of the Book of Mormon and we had an hour to talk to people and pass them out. I was so nervous but when it was all said and done it wasn’t bad at all. The people are really open to talking and willing to hear what you have to say. We also had a chance to go the Campinas Temple today which was a sweet experience. We have some cool Brazilian roommates too. There’s a Brazilian here that only knows one phrase in english and its `` pull my finger`` I thought that was really funny and that you might enjoy it. Its really weird to be back at the MTC and do all this again but I’m glad I have the chance to come here. Its been a testimony builder for me because the Lord knew exactly what I needed to do and in what order. Going to Provo and Texas seriously prepared me for Brazil. My faith and trust in Heavenly father has grown and has really helped me out.
Love Elder Visser
![]() |
Campinas Brazil Temple |
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
A safe arrival
just wanted to let you know that I made it safely to Sao Paulo brazil.
The flight was not all that bad and they had someone waiting for me
right after customs. They walked me straight to the bus with about 10
other missionaries who
have been out for a long time. We had time to shower and take a quick
nap. I already got the dose of trying to have a conversation and just
shaking my head and agreeing, but there will be plenty of time to
learn. I’m excited and ready to learn. I figure
I’ll get out what I put in, so I’m going all in which will require a
lot of messing up and tough situations but thats the only way to learn.
for everything, I’m not sure when my p-day is but I’ll email soon and
update. We have an hour time limit so I’ll do my best to respond to
Love Elder Visser
Monday, August 11, 2014
Round 2 . . . I have been waiting 8 months for this phone call!
Shoot this week was definitely one to remember. Elder Kaelin and I had the opportunity to speak in sacrament meeting. I gave my talk on what we sow is what we reap. I shared the experience you had with Rose and home teaching her for 16 years or however long it was. It was a great experience and I was nervous but the spirit was with me to make up for my mistakes. We also had a mission President's fireside last night and we went with our recent converts. They have recent converts bare their testimony then President Ames speaks and the spirit is always super strong. Afterwards I was able to see Marcia Sperry who I used to live with in Trophy Club and also my trainer Elder Grigg who I haven't seen since he left the area. I was also able to see my MTC companion and Elder Shorewood it was so awesome to see them all.
We were riding our bikes and I got a call from the mission office telling me I got my Visa. She told me I would be leaving the 21st which made sense because it is only a day after transfers. Then about an hour later I got another call telling me she got more info and that I am leaving Tuesday as in tomorrow. The phone call that I have been waiting for about 8 months finally came and I’ll be starting my journey to Brazil. I fly out tomorrow and my plane leaves at 7:45 but I have to be there at 5 in the evening. I’m going to be spending 2 weeks in the Sao Paulo MTC and receiving intense language training. It's crazy to be thinking in not to long I’ll be in a whole different country.
Am I excited? extremely! I understand that this is going to be the most difficult thing that I’ve probably ever done. A lot of people asked me how I feel and at first I said really nervous or afraid but then I took a minute to think about that. If there was one thing I’ve learned is to have faith in God. It's going to be hard but at the same time I am going to have help and with God I won't be able to fail. There is no doubt that I came to Texas for a reason. The people I’ve met and the things I’ve learned I wouldn't change it if I had the option. God has a plan and purpose for us and sometimes things don't make sense but there is a reason for it and there is no such thing as a coincidence. Please keep me in your prayers I’ll need all the prayers I can get and I know they work and God hears us and helps us.
Am I excited? extremely! I understand that this is going to be the most difficult thing that I’ve probably ever done. A lot of people asked me how I feel and at first I said really nervous or afraid but then I took a minute to think about that. If there was one thing I’ve learned is to have faith in God. It's going to be hard but at the same time I am going to have help and with God I won't be able to fail. There is no doubt that I came to Texas for a reason. The people I’ve met and the things I’ve learned I wouldn't change it if I had the option. God has a plan and purpose for us and sometimes things don't make sense but there is a reason for it and there is no such thing as a coincidence. Please keep me in your prayers I’ll need all the prayers I can get and I know they work and God hears us and helps us.
Monday, August 4, 2014
The power of Prayer
We have had a pretty crazy and amazing week. We had zone conference for 7 hours in the Trophy Club building so that was really nice to see old friends. I was able to go on an exchange with the district leader and the weather has been pretty nice. We got baptismal clothing on Thursday for our investigator and his son who was going to baptize him. When we showed up at their house everyone seemed really frantic and they said they were having a little family emergency. Turns out that the IRS were on their way to arrest them and take all of their assets. That was the short version of the story and this is two days before the baptism. So we did the only thing we could and prayed. Turns out that it was all a scam and it was just people from India trying to get money from them. It's crazy how hard Satan will work though to try and mess things up. Saturday they took us out to lunch before his baptism and someone asked him how his day was going so far and his response was it's the greatest day of my life. That's something I hope to never forget. We were able to get previous missionaries who taught him to come back so it was a really cool experience. His really good friend flew all the way from Vegas to confirm him and give him the Holy Ghost. It is so cool to see how much he has changed and how God's timing plays such a big role in everything. He was being taught for about 5 years with a whole bunch of different missionaries and I was blessed to be able to be here at the time when he was prepared and ready to accept the gospel. I’ve made lifelong friends with this family and can't wait to come back when they get sealed in the Temple.
Monday, July 28, 2014
We can be a blessing in the lives of others
This week has been really awesome. It's been nice and hot and we have been doing a lot of bike riding. Our recent convert received the Priesthood yesterday at church which was really exciting. We are having another baptism on Saturday that's going to be really cool and we have been working a lot with him. We also helped him move things back into their office and we have gotten to become really close with them. He threw out his back the other day and I had the chance to give him a blessing and the next day he let us know how much that meant to him and that is exactly what he needed to hear. Sometimes we don't know how much of a blessing we are in peoples lives and it's cool to hear things like that. We are having zone conference tomorrow which happens every three months so I’m really looking forward to that and it's always a super spiritual experience. Thanks for all the love and support, I’ll have pictures to send home next week.
Love Elder Visser
Monday, July 21, 2014
Changing lives
This week has been a pretty awesome week in the Lord's work. We found a less active part member family that wasn't on our ward roster just sitting in their driveway remodeling a house. We had no clue until we talked to them then they ended up wanting to have us over for dinner and told us they want to bless their baby and have his wife who's not a member take the discussions. It's crazy to see how things work out like that sometimes but it's all in Heavenly father's timing.
The other big thing that happened was we had a baptism on Saturday! It was a part member family and the dad was baptized. Our mission president and two bishops spoke at it and it was super special. Elder Kaelin baptized him and said that on the way out when they were getting changed he thanked him and elder kaelin responded with your welcome to which John responded with, no seriously thank you so much. I thought that was really cool. The chance to change someone's life and help them receive blessing is awesome. I’ve been thinking about it and you find pure joy when you share the gospel. Not the kind of joy or happiness I got when I played video games or saw a cool movie but joy that will last a life time. It was amazing to see how happy and grateful he was and I'm extremely grateful I had the chance to be a part of teaching him and his family.
It's cool to see how the Lord's timing has an effect on people. This area has been known as a slower one and hasn't had a baptism in about a year and a half. The thing is, there have been awesome missionaries that have come through here. Elder Kaelin and I are working hard but it has definitely built my testimony of just how people are prepared to hear the message of the gospel and prepared to accept to be baptized.
John's Baptism
John's Family
Monday, July 14, 2014
Amazing things are happening
is getting pretty hot here but we heard a cold front is coming in and
it should be in the 80's which is music to our ears. If you have any
questions feel free to ask.
week has been really good. We have been super busy and a lot of
amazing things are happening. Some of the highlights have been with two
of the investigators we have been working with. One we have been
with for about 6 weeks and the dad is the only one who is not a member.
We taught the plan of salvation and invited him to be baptized. It
seemed like it caught him off guard and he sat there. He told us he
would pray about it which is exactly what we want.
The spirit was super strong in that lesson it was awesome. The other
is a lady we have been talking to over the phone. We set up a lesson in
a widows house and brought a member with us and the environment was so
perfect for her. She told us about a dream
her son had how his dad (her husband) who has been dead for almost a
year was in a waiting room with cots behind him with people resting. It
was so perfect because we taught the plan of salvation and we testified
about the spirit world. The member who came
with us invited her and us over for dinner on Sunday to have another
lesson which went just as well. We invited her to be baptized too.
After the lesson and dinner we went to our mission presidents fireside
and both our investigators who were invited to
be baptized made it and it was so awesome and the spirit was so strong.
This week has been spiritual and amazing. I love being able to serve
the Lord and am grateful for this chance to be on my mission.
Love Elder Visser
Monday, July 7, 2014
Happy 4th!
4th was pretty quiet. We went to the breakfast the ward put on and
I was on an exchange in Colleyville which is a really wealthy part.
Besides that we worked
and did what we could to talk to people. I do my best to write
everyone back. I figure they take time to write me and tell me what's
going on so the least I can do is respond to them.
got transfer calls today and Elder Kaelin and I will be staying in
Grapevine for another 6 weeks! This is very good news. We have a
baptism in a couple weeks and a few people that are very close to
baptized so I’m very excited to be able to stay and help them out. We
have also been teaching a lady over the phone for the past couple weeks
now. It's a little different having lessons over the phone but I know
it has been helping her out. She lost her
husband over a year ago and is really depressed and doesn't do much.
We have been able to talk to her about the plan of salvation and being
sealed in the temple. It has been awesome to testify to her of those
things and see her have hope and a new purpose
in her life. She has also come to church the past couple weeks and is
doing a ton better. It's crazy to think that me being only 19 would be
able to help out and older lady get over huge struggles and barriers
life has. I have obviously had help though
from Heavenly Father and being set apart to teach and testify has been a
huge blessing in my life and the life of others. I love the Gospel and
know it is true. I know families can be together forever through the
Priesthood and Authority from God. This plan
gives so much comfort and purpose in this life. I’m grateful I can be
on my mission and for all the help and support I have gotten.
Love Elder Visser
Monday, June 30, 2014
The Rabe Family
So the story about the Rabe family. I got permission to go back to Trophy Club for their baptism. About two weeks before I left we got a referral from with his cell phone number and address and it said that he talked to missionaries and wouldn't mind them coming by. So we went to go try and see him and they live way out in the boonies on this old airport. We tried calling him but the phone was disconnected and we went to the house but the address didn't exist. So we asked a couple neighbors and they led us to where their house was. We set up a lesson for the next week and they were really nice but didn't seem super interested. When we got there they were waiting for us and basically the dad said he wanted us to teach his kids because his grandfather was one and he approved of it. We taught them and they ended up coming to church and loved it. Then on Memorial day we invited them to our ward mission leaders house and they came to that and had an awesome time. Then I got transferred...I knew they were going to get baptized though, they were such an awesome family. The dad who at first wasn't interested got baptized along with his wife and daughter. The son didn't feel ready yet but that is totally fine. So I was able to communicate with sister Sperry who I lived with and she came and picked us up. It was so awesome to go to the baptism and the whole relief society room was packed it was great. It felt so good to see them come together as a family and be excited and happy.
Baptism of Rabe Family
Replica of the Book of Mormon
Friends from Trophy Club
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